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高二上学期英语听力原文 unit9

12-20 22:52:45  浏览次数:375次  栏目:高二英语阅读

标签:高二英语阅读训练,高二学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 高二上学期英语听力原文 unit9,http://www.170xue.com

  C They thought that the government was responsible for the channels and they only cleaned them up when there was too much rubbish. They felt that this was unfair and didn’t believe what the government said.

  I: And how did the government react to this?

  C: Well, they were very surprised. They decided to show the farmers that they were serious about the problem. Farmers and the government would work together. The farmers formed a group that would oversee the work. A special channel cleaning day was chosen and the farmers and the government decided to share the costs. The farmers would pay for the cleaning equipment and the government would pay for taking the rubbish away.

  I: That sounds like a good solution.

  C: It was. Working together also gave people a chance to understand the dangers of throwing rubbish in the channels. It stopped the water from flowing and made it dangerous for children to swim in the channel and for women to use the water at home.

  I: Were the farmers happy about the solution?

  C: Yes, they were. The project was a success. By working together, more things were achieved and everybody learnt from the experience.

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,高二上学期英语听力原文 unit9
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