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六年级上册Module 2 Unit1Chinatown in America教案

03-12 13:23:36  浏览次数:390次  栏目:小学英语教案

标签:外研版小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案,http://www.170xue.com 六年级上册Module 2 Unit1Chinatown in America教案,http://www.170xue.com
lots of Chinese shops I Chinatown. 2.                     a book on the desk. 3.                      a boy and ten teachers in the classroom. 4.                      ten teachers and a boy in the classroom.     课 外 拓 展 一单词填空 Hello!My name is John.I’m       English boy. Look! This is a picture of my hometown(家乡). My hometown is small, but it is very beautiful. There      (be)                 (许多)trees. There is a             (广场) and some           (餐馆) in the north.             (有时), I play with my friends in the square. Do you want                  (参观) my hometown. 二连词成句 1.the   Great Wall   about me tell more                                                 2.are these great postcards                                                      3.has million people  six  it  got                                                     4. is it long how                                                           教 学 反 思 xkb1.com                                                                审核人:   六年级   学科英语                              教师:张爱珍 学习 内容 Module 2 Unit2 Postcards from China (there be 句型的使用) 学 习 目 标 一知识目标:1.重要短语: Changjiang River; the Tian’qn men Square; riding bicycles to work; the Great Wall; the West Lake; the Huangshan Mountain 2.重要句子: There are lots of bicycles in China.            There is a very famous river.          二技能目标:用there be 句型介绍事物 三情感目标:了解中国的名胜古迹。 重难 点及 突破 措施 重难点:1.there be 句型的使用。         2.专有名词的正确书写。 课前 准备 带一张自己喜欢的图画。 导学案设计 个性化设计 预 习 学 案 一背诵课本第七页第2题的对话(有关there be的句子) 二听录音,把录音内容写在下面的横线上。                                                                                                                                                                                                          三根据课文内容,回答问题。 1.Where is the West Lake ?                                                    2.How long is the Changjiang River ?                                                                                                   

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