


03-03 00:33:04  浏览次数:153次  栏目:英语学习方法

标签:英语学习计划,英语学习资料,高中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 让名词“动”起来,http://www.170xue.com
21. radio:名词,收音机;当动词用,是指用无线电发送讯息,广播,发报(to send a message)。例如:
At airport the lady radioed for a missing child. (机场中,有一位女士正在广播寻找一个走失的孩子。)
All U.S. ships will have to radio the Coast Guard when they are in trouble. (美国船只如果遇到困难,可以用无线电同海岸巡逻队取得联系。)

22. dog:名词,狗;当动词用,是指尾随某人,困扰某人或某事(to bother someone or something)。例如:
He was dogged wherever he went. (他不管到哪里,总被人尾随。)
Her career was dogged by misfortune. (她一生屡遭不幸。)

23. fare:名词,票价;当动词用,是指过活、进展(to get along or to turn out)。例如: How do you fare?= How are you doing?
I fare very well. = I am doing (feeling) well.
How did you fare in your exam? (考得怎样?)
I fared very well in my exam. (我考得很好。)
If he gets caught for shoplifting, he may fare a punishment. (如果他因为盗窃被捕,将会受到惩罚。)

24. father:名词,父亲;当动词用,是指为人父(to beget a child)。例如:
He has fathered two children before his remarriage. (他再婚前已经是两个孩子的爸爸了。)
Hopefully, Mr. Chen is going to father a child soon. (希望陈先生很快能够当上爸爸。)
She bore him two children. (她为他生了两个孩子); 或
She bore a son. 也就是 He begot a son.
所以"to father a child",也就是"to beget a child"

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