


03-04 16:14:47  浏览次数:160次  栏目:小学五年级英语试卷

标签:小学五年级英语试卷,小学五年级英语教案,小学五年级英语试题,http://www.170xue.com 《牛津小学英语》5A期末考试试题,http://www.170xue.com



( ) 1 A . horse B. house C. mouse

( ) 2 A . sing B. ski C. skate

( ) 3 A . work B. walk C. worker

( ) 4 A . kitchen B. chicken C. pumpkin

( ) 5 A . flower B. floor C. follow

( ) 6 A . telephone B. telescope C. tin-opener

( ) 7 A . car B. card C. cup

( ) 8 A . listen to the song B. learn the song C. sing the song

( ) 9 A . how much B. how many C. how about

( ) 10 A . small eyes B. small ears C. big eyes


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

三、根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语 (听两遍)6分

( ) 1 A . I like listening to music on Saturday.

B. Yes, I do. And I like listening to music, too.

C. No, I like watching TV.

( ) 2 A . He can play football, too.

B. He likes playing football, too.

C. Look! He is playing football with Mike now.

( ) 3 A . I’m reading in the library.

B. I’m looking for David. I can’t find him.

C. I like reading in the libray.

( ) 4 A . There are nine.

B. Yes, there are nine circles.

C. No, I can’t.

( ) 5 A . Perhaps they are.

B. Are they playing table tennis?

C. Shall we go and join them?

( ) 6 A . Good. Here’s a pig mask for you.

B. I see. You like big animals.

C. Good idea. Let’s go and see.

四、听录音,将下面的对话填写完整 (听三遍) 8分

A: Hello.

B: Hello. Is that_______ ?

A: Yes. Hi, Yang Ling. Good afternoon.

B: Good afternoon, Helen. Are you_______ now?

A: No. I’m _________ a __________ _________ . It’s interesting.

B: I’m ________ _________ _________ . It’s so hard. Can you come and help

me with my ___________ ?

A: Sure. How about _________ ____________?

B: That’s fine. Do you _______ my new house?

A: No, I don’t.

B: My house is 24 Xihui Garden. It’s ________ Xihui Park. And my telephone

number is __________________ .

A: I see. See you __________ ___________ .

B: See you soon.


一、翻译下列词组 20分

1、在学校学习 ____________ ____________ ____________

2、需要一些纸 ____________ ____________ ____________

3、在街上走 ____________ ____________ ____________ street

4、打扫书房 ____________ ____________ ____________

5、下课后 ____________ ____________

6、喜欢看报纸 ____________ ____________ ____________

7、和我的小狗一起玩 __________ __________ __________ __________

8、许多孩子 __________ _________ __________ __________

9、给我们看看你的新书包 _______ _______ _______ _______ ________

10、help each other ___________________________________

11、play cards together ___________________________________

12、run after the rabbit ____________________________________

13、how to draw the pictures __________________________________

14、teach the students Maths ___________________________________

二、根据句意,选择括号中合适的词语填空,不重复使用 8分

A (there is, there are, have, has )

1 Does Liu Tao _________ a blanket?

No. But he ________ a towel.

2 What’s in the basket?

_______________ some bread. And _____________ two tins of chicken, too.

B ( look at, read, watch, see)

1 Can you ___________ this storybook for me? Sure.

2 How many birds can you _________ in the tree? Four.

3 ____________ the blackboard, please.

4 Don’t _________ TV now. Time to go to bed.

三、选择题 10分

( ) 1 There aren’t __________ swings in the school. So we can’t play on

the swings.

A. some B. any C. a

( ) 2 — I’m very thirsty.

— ________ some juice for you.

A. Here’s B. Here’re C. They’re

( ) 3 The boy _______ dance, but the girl can.

A. can B. can’t C. don’t

( ) 4 Wang Bing is _________ his keys. He can’t open the door.

A. seeing B. finding C. looking for

( ) 5 Ben is playing basketball. Let’s go and join ________ .

A. he B. his C. him

( ) 6 Tom ________ a toy car. His parents ________ two cars.

A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have

( ) 7 They don’t go to school ________ Saturday and Sunday.

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 8 I have a toy lion. It has ___________ .

A. long hair B. big ear C. small nose

( ) 9 — How many triangles are there in the picture?

— There are ____________ .

A. four B. five C. six

( ) 10 This T-shirt is thirty-eight yuan. I give one hundred yuan to the

shop assistant (营业员). How much is my change?

It’s _________ yuan.

A. thirty-eight B. sixty-two C. thirty-two

四、从II栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句 10分



( ) 1. Are there any songbooks on the piano? A. They are drawing.

( ) 2. Are your parents at home? B. Yes, there are.

( ) 3. Where are Mike and Helen? C. No, they aren’t.

( ) 4. What are they doing? D. They need some masks.

( ) 5. What do they need? E. They are in the garden.



( ) 1. It is four o’clock in the afternoon. A. Let’s buy some masks.

( ) 2. It’s Halloween tomorrow. B. Why don’t we make one?

( ) 3. It is the first day of the new term. C. Great! Let’s start.

( ) 4. Let’s buy a New Year card for our D. The students are happy to

teacher. see each other again.

( ) 5. Shall we sing this song first? E. Classes are over.

五、连词成句 5分

1 cake, good, the, very, looks

__________________________________________________________ .

2 mouse, is, mouth, in, cat’s, the, there, a

__________________________________________________________ .

3 them, go, their , Maths , you , and , can , help , with

__________________________________________________________ ?

4 is, Mr Green, students, about, teaching, shapes, his

__________________________________________________________ .

5 door, Tom’s, is, umbrella, behind, the

__________________________________________________________ .

六、看图完成下列对话,每空一词 12分

1 A: Where’s Lingling?

B: She’s ________ the __________ .

A: What is she __________ ?

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