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办公室英语:Say Good-Bye(句型篇)

03-01 18:34:15  浏览次数:416次  栏目:商务英语

标签:商务英语学习,商务英语听力,剑桥商务英语初级,http://www.170xue.com 办公室英语:Say Good-Bye(句型篇),http://www.170xue.com

I have a meeting soon.
  I have an engagement soon.
  I have an engagement very shortly.
  I have an date very shortly.

  I think I‘d better go now.
  I think I should go now.
  I think I ought to go now.
  I think I must go now.

  It‘s getting dark.
  It‘s getting dark outside.

  I‘ve to go quite soon.
  I must go quite soon.
  I must leave quite soon.
  I‘ve got to go leave in a few minutes.

  It was fun to get together again.
  It was exciting to get together again.
  It was exciting to talk to each other.

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