

12-20 22:53:36  浏览次数:795次  栏目:英语口语

标签:日常英语口语900句,学英语口语,英语口语900句,http://www.170xue.com 询问与回复的常用句型,http://www.170xue.com

If you require some information you can say:
Could you tell me if/when/how much/why...?
I wonder if you could tell me...?
I‘d like to know...
I‘d like some information about...

If someone asks you for information you can reply:
As far as i know...
Well,(in confidence,) i can tell you that...
I‘m afraid i don‘t know...
I‘ve no idea,I‘m afraid...
I don‘t have that information available just now,can i call you back?
I‘m not sure,I‘ll have to find out,Can i let you know tomorrow?
I‘m afraid i can‘t tell you that,it‘s confidentail.

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