


03-01 19:42:23  浏览次数:445次  栏目:医学英语

标签:医学专业英语,医学英语词典,医学英语词汇,http://www.170xue.com 常用医学英语短语,http://www.170xue.com

I can‘t lift my right arm.

  I cough a great deal at night .

  I don‘t feel like eating anything.

  I feel a bit off color.

  I feel a pain in my left leg.

  I feel absolutely rotten.

  I feel chilly.

  I feel dizzy and I‘ve got no appetite.

  I feel feverish.

  I feel hot and cold.

  I feel like I‘m burning up.

  I feel like vomiting.

  I feel poorly.

  I feel rather unwell.

  I feel shivery and I‘ve got a sore throat.

  I feel sick.

  I feel so ill.

  I feel very bad.

  I feel a dull pain in the stomach.

  I have a headache.

  I have a splitting headache.

  I have a stomach-ache.

  I have a stuffed-up nose.

  I just feel all pooped out.

  I keep feeling dizzy.

  I really feel terrible.

  I seem to have pain all over.

  I think I‘m dying.

  I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me.

  I‘m a bit stuffed up.

  I‘m aching all over.

  I‘m afraid I‘ve got a temperature.

  I‘m feeling rather out of sorts these days .

  I‘m having some trouble sleeping.

  I‘m rather sick.

  I‘m running a fever.

  I‘m running a temperature .

  I‘m suffering from insomnia.

  I‘m under the weather.

  It all began yesterday.
  It came on last night.

  It hurts terrible.

  It keeps hanging on.

  It sort of hung on.

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