

12-20 22:53:36  浏览次数:564次  栏目:趣味英语

标签:小学趣味英语,儿童趣味英语,少儿趣味英语,http://www.170xue.com 通缉犯:牢房,我选这一间(中英对照),http://www.170xue.com

Connoisseur Criminal Chooses Better Jail

  If you have to go to jail, you may as well stay in a place you like.

  That must have been the reasoning of one Italian man who traveled to another Italian city because he preferred its jail over one in his hometown. According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelli and asked to be arrested. He said he was wanted in Biella, another city in the north where he had not completed a jail term, but told police in Vercelli: "Arrest me. Your jail is better." Police checked out his claims, discovered that he was indeed wanted, and took him to jail ------his preferred jail.




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