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Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋,Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋

01-13 14:13:04  浏览次数:214次  栏目:初中英语作文

标签:初中英语作文题目,初中英语学习,寒假英语作文50字,http://www.170xue.com Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋,Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋,http://www.170xue.com
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Making a Scrambled Egg
Lingling asked her friends to come to her home. She wanted to make something nice for them to eat. She just learned how to make a scrambled egg. She tried to make it for them. She broke eggs in a bowl and put some salt in it. Then she placed a frying pan on the stove, and put a little cooking oil in the pan. While she was waiting for the oil to become hot, she stirred the egg in the bowl. As soon as the oil became hot, she poured the egg into the pan, As one side turned yellow, she turned it over. When both sides were cooked.the scrambled egg was ready to eat.
Lingling's friends came and had the serambled egg. They liked it very much. Lingling was so happy that she could cook for her friends.

Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋 英语收集整理 www.170xue.com,Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋,Making a Scrambled Egg-煎鸡蛋
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