


02-29 22:40:56  浏览次数:263次  栏目:英语学习方法

标签:英语学习计划,英语学习资料,高中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 阅卷场老师评点英语写作毛病,http://www.170xue.com

⊙ 河南省郸城县第一高级中学  刘同功

    ■ 一  近义词、相形词的错用
    1. 近义词错用
    “到图书馆借书”写成lend books,混淆了lend和borrow的用法,lend为借出,borrow为借入。应改为borrow books from the library;
    受母语影响,把看书写成look books,see books或watch books,应为read books。
    2. 相形词错用
    把一些拼写相近的词混用。例如把“环境安静”写成a quite(应为quiet) environment ; “穿过公园”写成 though(应为through) the park; “除了星期日”写成expect (应为except)Sunday。

    ■ 二  冠词及单复数概念模糊
    1. You can read newspaper, magazine, and story books in our library. (×)
    2. One/each/every people can borrow five books once. (×)
    3. It gives us many knowledges. (×)
    1. You can read newspapers, magazines and story books in our library.(√)
    2. Every person/student can borrow five books each time.(√)
    3. It gives us much knowledge.(√)

    ■ 三  词性混用
    1. It’s rounded by many green trees.
    2. The library’s round has many green trees ····
    3. When you across the garden, ····
    1. There are many green trees around it或Around it are many green trees.
    2. The library is surrounded by many green trees.
     3. When you walk/go through the garden, ····

    ■ 四  使用的短语中多出现介词错误,或结构不完整
    1. “在周末”(at the weekend/at weekends/on weekends)写成in/on the weekend
    2. “在…前面”(in front of)写成In/on the front of the library
    3. “许多树”(a lot of/lots of trees)  写成 a lots of trees
    4. “各种各样的书”(a variety of /varieties of/various books)写成variety of books, a various of books
    5. “简而言之”(in short)写成了In a short
    6. “与此同时”(at the same time)写成 in the same time
    7. “我盼望你的回信” (I’m looking forward to your letter.)写成I’m looking forward your letter.

    ■ 五  句子中构成谓语的动词形式错误(此类被视为低级语法错误,也往往被作为评分档次的重要依据)
    1. We can reading newspapers.
    2. I can heard birds singing.
    3. So people can sit there to reading.
    4. I think you must be like our library too.

    ■ 六  缺乏时态概念,不能准确把握动词特征,如及物动词和不及物动词,短暂性动词和延续性动词
    1. The library is open at 9:00 in the morning.
    2. It’s opened from 9:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the afternoon. (画线部分应改为open,用形容词表状态的持续)
    3. Our library is built between the park and the teaching building. (画线部分应改为过去时was built 或用lies/is located,表 build动作已完成)
    4. You can borrow five books for ten days. (画线部分应改为keep,borrow是短暂性动词,不能与for引导的时间短语连用)
    5. You must return in ten days.  (应在return后加宾语them,  return做不及物动词意思是“回来”,用做“归还”时是及物动词)
    6. You must return them back in ten days.  (应去掉back, return相当于come back,不能再和back连用)

    ■ 七  代词使用错误:单复数与所替代的名词不一致,或主宾格错误
    1. You can only borrow five books and keep it for ten days at most 。
    2. It’s easy for our to study and work there.
 (our应改为us,放在介词for 后)

    ■ 八  受母语思维方式的影响,汉语式直译现象普遍,多是用词堆句
    1. I receive your letter is very happy. (×)
    应改为:I am very happy to have received your letter.
    2. Its behind is our classroom; around the library have many trees. (×)
    应改为:Behind it is our classroom, and around the library are many trees.
    3. It around have lots of trees and flowers. (×)
    应改为:Around it are lots of trees and flowers.
    或 It has lots of trees and flowers around it.
    4. In the library has tables and chairs, there is quiet. (×)
    应改为:There are tables and chairs in the library. It’s quiet there.
    5. Everyday has many people come to look books. (×)
    应改为:Everyday many people come to read books.
    6. You at most borrow five books once. (×)
    应改为:You can borrow five books at most each time.
    7. 5:00 in the morning is the open time,and 7:00 in the afternoon is the close time. (×)
    应改为:It opens at 5:00 in the morning and closes at 7:00 in the afternoon.
    8. From am 9 to pm 7 is open, the weekend is closed. (×)
    应改为:It’s open from 9 am to 7 pm, and is closed at the weekend.
    9. I’ m very like my school building.(×)
    应改为:I like my school building very much.

    ■ 九  结尾语随意性强,以中文书信的习惯写英文
    1. Just write here, bye-bye.
    2. That’s all, I must stop writing now.
    3. The day is late,I must go to sleep now. I wish you have a good night。
    4. Oh, I forget the time, just speak here.
    1. Looking forward to an early reply.
    2. Hoping to hear from you at an early date./Hoping you will be able to come, I am./Hoping you are enjoying good health.
    3. With best wishes to your family./With kind regards to your parents.
    4. Wishing you every success.
    5. Please remember me to your father.
    6. Give my love to the children.

    ■ 十  书写不规范,字迹潦草,随意涂改,甚至在行文中加入汉语拼音,都是影响得分的因素


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