


03-04 15:52:34  浏览次数:669次  栏目:小学三年级英语试卷

标签:三年级英语期末试卷,三年级英语上册pep,http://www.170xue.com 三年级第二学期英语期中复习题,http://www.170xue.com

Class:_________    Name: ________   
一、 认真看图片与句子,读5次。

B B B, touch your knee.   D D D, make a “D”.    E E E, drink some tea.   ABCDE, come and follow me.

CCC, look and see.   CDE, draw a tree.     ABCDE,read after me.    GHI, fly a kite.   LMN, raise your leg.

AAA, say “OK”.          EFGHI, say “goodbye”.     ABC, look and see.      EFG, have a seat.

KKK, kick, kick, kick.   NNN, no, no, no.   JJJ, jump, jump, jump.  MMM, meow, meow, meow.  LLL, la, la, la.

boy(      )  father(      )  eleven(      ) girl(      )  dad(      )
twelve(      )  teacher(      )  mother(      ) thirteen(      ) 
student(      )  mom(      )  fourteen(      ) this(      )  man(      )  fifteen(      )  friend(      ) woman(      ) 
sixteen(      )  nice(      )  grandmother(      ) seventeen(      )  goodbye(      )  grandfather(      )  eighteen(      ) sister(      )  nineteen(      )  brother(      )  twenty(      ) great(      ) 
how many(      ) look at(      )  too(      ) today(      ) 
__ot dog     __ilk        __ce            __eep    __uck
__pple         __oy        __ag      __oke_     _ey
__ish          __nt     __oose   __amburger     __est
_offee       _og       __gg        __irl      _l_phant
__ump    __angaroo      __ion          _ock    __ather

  __ouse        __ight       __ce-cream
四、把下列字 母按顺序写在四线格上。
Hh     Aa     Ii     Ll    Mm     Bb    Jj      
Ff      Kk    Gg    Nn    Dd     Cc    Ee



五、 根据句子意思,选择正确答语.把答案的序号填在横线上。
a: Who’s that man?         b: Where are you from, Jack?
c: Is he your brother?      d: Good morning.     e: Who’s that woman?

A:                  , Miss White.
B: Good morning, Amy.                
A: He’s my father.
A: She’s my mother.
A: No, He isn’t(不是) my brother. He’s my friend, Jack.
C: I’m from England.(英格兰)
 A. sister     B. fish     C. goose     D. grandamother     E. egg
  F.  brother   G . woman    H. grandfather    I. man    J. ice-cream
   1.    2.     3.    4.           5.
    (    )     (    )        (    )         (    )       (    )
   7.    8.     9.    10.

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